Aircraft engines demand high-quality assurance standards. The high-value engine components combined with long cycle times make it essential to produce quality parts for safety-critical applications. We understand what it takes to machine complex aircraft engine components to maximize efficiency.
DIAEDGE Cutting Tools’ innovative tooling technology provides customized grades, technically superior coatings, and insert geometries for
demanding materials such as titanium (Ti), Inconel® and heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA) to enable production of a perfect part every time.

The aircraft blisk is a vital aircraft engine component, consisting of a rotor disk and multiple blades. Machined using difficult-to-cut titanium (Ti) or nickel-based alloys
Ni-alloys), blisk components pose challenges due to the solid-piece design and sophisticated shape. DIAEDGE Cutting Tools' high-quality drilling and milling cutters meet the requirements to efficiently and reliably machine these complex blisks.

DIAEDGE DSA carbide drill is the best choice when it comes to machining hard-to-cut heat-resistant titanium (Ti) and Inconel® materials for aircraft blisk components. DSA drill offers unique TRI-cooling Technology® with specific hole geometry to increase the coolant flow rate and reduce cutting heat. The DSA's straight-cutting edge for a single-pass honing design ensures stable chip formations to optimize machining cycle time and production.
SFM 130-150 FPR 0.002-0.012

The DIAEDGE VQT6UR Barrel Endmill is specially designed to cut in high-feed conditions in heat-resistant and titanium (Ti) alloy materials to produce a better surface finish for aircraft engine blades. Due to the DIAEDGE VQT6UR large radius and small cusp height, this unique feature gives a quicker and more precise finish product.

SFM 262 FPR .009

The DIAEDGE iMX Series is a perfect solution to cut
down on cycle time when machining aircraft engine blisk component. The iMX provides a variety of exchangeable heads to meet different milling applications. Coolant solutions and grades extend tool life and improve efficiencies with high accuracy and rigidity when
machining difficult-to-cut materials for aerospace
component manufacturing.

SFM 130 FPT 0.002
DIAEDGE's VQ Series offers irregular flute helix geometry and Smart Miracle coating, which makes
this series the ideal choice for reducing vibrations and improving surface finishes in heat-resistant alloys
(HRA) for machining the perfect aircraft engine
blisk component.

SFM 130 FPT 0.002